6" Loon by Ottokie Samayualie *Paddler*

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Ottokie Samayualie

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Inuit art: Loon
Inuit Artist: Ottokie Samayualie
Size: 6" long, 2" high
Community: Cape Dorset, NU 10/22
Stone: Serpentine
id: dfa-N7785Pbjjy

Paddler is a simple soul.

Quiet and alone.

This endearing loon is slowly paddling through his pond, occasionally dipping his head into the water to feed.

Here's the hidden gift that Ottokie offers with Paddler.

Look at the loon's back.

The pattern of the colour (dark green covered with starbursts of turquoise and white) looks exactly like the sunlight sparkling on the surface of the water of Paddler's pond.

Do you see it?


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